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Improvement in Project Mainline

 Project Mainline

                        Project Mainline was one of objectives in the Android 10. The project mainline is the successor of project treble. This move from the Google's android os helps them to push some of the critical updates from their side to the android devices out there running Android 10 or above. It is said to be an easiest way because in Android 9 & below versions seek the critical security patches/fixes which took time to roll out in their devices as it needs to cross the OEM's hands . To bring it to an end it was achieved by Project main line of Android 10. In Android 10 a total of 12 OS components were became independent from the hands of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturers). These components are updated through a google play system update pretty much equal to an app update so that it doesn't require an full OTA by the brands. 

Improvement in Mainline


                   The latest version of Android OS 11 has its own features that takes up a new post if possible . Here regarding the topic project Mainline ,the OS is just become better. This time around the project Mainline of Android 11 packs the increased number of components to it from 12 to 25. Android 11 makes this components to be must updated category rather than the optional one. As the previous version it continues to get the updates through the google play system update.  So, the conclusion from this is even after the devices are unsupported from the OEM's after their end of support , it merely continues to recieve the mainline updates that makes the device merely secure from data thefts and security loop holes. So the project mainline is not an worthless move from Google.

                          Thank you ☺️


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