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An Era of Google play music Ends!

Google play music 

                   One of the inevitable app in almost all the devices released till now or a year back . It facilitates the users to manage the music(audio) files to categorise it into albums, genre, artists, playlists etc . It also has a wide range of access to online music, podcasts,radio. Thus, standing as an important app in the android devices. 

End of Google play music

                    Google announced that it was in an action to end the support for google play music wayback in the mid of 2019. Even before the announcement they have jumped into creating a new app named Youtube music . Since then the app was rolled out to the devices and the google AI recommended to install it and it became mandatory after Android 10. From today the access to google play music was ended though it continues to show the option to transfer the music files(saved playlists and settings).

Youtube music

                     I can't tell this app is good because it lacks at more places though an advantage over google play music is while searching for online music there is an option to view the video or to play as audio. The area that the app lacks is the UI for the access for offline(downloaded) files. So, it needs to undergo massive evolution to match the likes of google play music.

                    At the end it is all personal preference, for conclusion by my side it is a major loss for me as I miss the google play music.

                  Thank you for Reading ☺️


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